Ah, yes! There it is. SPIDERS. They count as an animal, right? I hate spiders. There's something about the way they are shaped that scares the buh-jesus out of me. Very very small ones aren't so bad as long as they aren't fuzzy. But anything bigger than a quarter inch, torch it. Giant terrifying spiders? Forget about it. Gone. I will wreck a car over a spider on the windshield. And I've noticed my entire life that everytime I see a spider and don't kill it immediately I will see it later. At first, I'll see a spider hanging out on the ceiling and I'll just ignore it. Within 20 minutes I'll see that same damn spider dangling in front of my face. I saw a spider crawling across the floor once. I tried to kill it, I fucking missed. Then I went to put on my shoe later and there he was sitting on my foot like "What's up?" Asshole spiders...
I've heard though that if all the world spiders were suddenly gone there would be nothing to eat the millions of other bugs and the world we be conquered within a very short amount of time. It's a wonder we're still here at all considering the delicate balance of nature that we've already tampered with so much. The moral of the story is "spiders suck." End.
I would normally put a picture of a spider here, but I don't even like to see pictures of them. I also can't eat crab legs because they look like giant spider legs.
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