Saturday, February 4, 2012

If you could, in retrospect, change one thing about your childhood, what would it be?

 We were pretty poor when I was a kid, but I wouldn't say that it actually effected my quality of life in any way. I may have minded at the time, but I know now that my parents did what they could for me. My parents didn't get along. They had a lot of fights. My dad had a notoriously short fuse (as do I) and my mom was constantly depressed. I grew up thinking my mom didn't want much to do with me because she spent so much time alone in her room. She wasn't happy and she wanted out. One night my dad exploded. My mom had had enough so we left. I don't remember anything about their problems. I don't recall him ever hurting anyone. I knew they fought, but I don't remember details. I must have blocked them out. I was 7 years old when my parents divorced. My dad started out coming to get me every weekend, after all my dad and I had an awesome relationship. I was a daddy's girl really. Each year, though, my dad would move a little further west and my mom and I would move a little further east. Visitations grew further apart. Now we live a few hours away from each other so I only see him on holidays which bothers me because I wish my kids could know him better. My dad has improved tremendously. So has my mom. They are so much better as friends than they ever were as a couple. So, I suppose regretting their getting divorced doesn't make sense because it improved everything. I just wish there wasn't a need for their divorce. I can't imagine how different my life would be. Things have worked out fine though. And it doesn't make much sense to regret things when your life turns out fine.